Monday, September 27, 2010

Bethel Baptist here we come

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Starting November 1, 2010 the "Country Parson" will actually be a COUNTRY parson again... We are moving to the Bethel Baptist Church in rural Jerseyville, Illinois. In the brief time we have spent with the folks at Bethel we have simply felt drawn to them. I have most definitely layed out the fleece on this whole matter and God has consistently shown us his will and how clearly it has unfolded. We've been blessed by the Bethel family already and are very much looking forward to getting better acquainted with our new church family.

Of course, it is bittersweet as we leave some good friends in Wood River and the surrounding area. But, when God is clearly involved, the call is irresistable. Such is the case for us in this move to Bethel. The new chapter begins in our lives in just over one month and I for one can hardly wait!