Thursday, February 21, 2008


"Why?" That was the title I gave to the funeral sermon that I delivered yesterday. I can't say as I really answered the question, though. The more I am in ministry, the less I understand about so many things in this world. Why indeed!

I travelled back to Taylorville to do a funeral for the 19 year old daughter of some very dear friends of mine. Katie was killed in a tragic car accident with three other teenagers on Friday of last week. They were good solid decent kids. No drugs, no drinking, solid morals and people of faith... and yet, four young lives were lost without warning. The thing is that with their passing the world lost all of the potential for greatness that existed in them as well.

This accident reminds me (and others I hope) of the broken-ness of the world. Satan really does rule this world whether we believe it or not. As we are 2 weeks into the Lenten season, I am reminded of the temptation of Christ and the fact that even our Lord wasn't immune to the temptations and attacks of Satan. So, why then, should I be surprised that Satan would attack others if he would be so brazen as to attack the creator himself?

As I grieve along with others on the loss of potential and the loss of beauty in this accident, I am reminded of just how very much I yearn for the day when Christ returns to set things right. What an amazing thing to anticipate that day when we live daily in the presence of God in a kingdom where sickness and death and broken-ness are a thing of the past... FOR ETERNITY.

Why? I can't answer that... Who? I've got that figured out! But, then, why are there still people in this world who reject or ignore that hope? Seems that my reflections on the things of the faith generate more questions than answers. Furthermore, why is it after years of study, seminary education, and 15 years of pastoral ministry... I'm back to asking one word questions and still don't have an answer? Aw shucks... Why Not?

Somber Boy

somber boy
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
I just loved Ian's expression in this picture. He laughs and smiles a whole lot more these days, but I still love that little serious face he makes too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A little melancholy... but hopeful too!

Today would have been my mom's 74th birthday and is the second birthday since her death. With all that has transpired with regard to the crumbling of my family of origin, it makes it all the more painful to endure days like this. Unfortunatley support is neither offered nor expected (or frankly even possible) from some of those one would expect to be there to support us through these things. Still... all in all... The truth of mom's relationship with Christ as well as my own makes it bearable. Knowing full well that one day I will see her again gives me great hope. While it is hard to not be able to call her on the phone and talk with her daily as I did throughout my life. I look forward to the day when I will seeing her again and she will not be burdened with the issues of her own failing health and other challenges that she endured in the last several years of her life. My mom was a great woman and I miss her greatly. But, mom's faith has her in a very good place these days and for that I am grateful. In fact, I celebrate the truth that as of the moment of her death on April 21, 2006 she truly began to live more fully and completely than she ever did in this world. Mom received on April 21st 2006 the reward for a life well lived and I am nothing but happy for her in that truth. Much of the time, for my self, I am less than happy with the loss of my mother and the loss of much of my own past. But, I am thrilled with the gifts that God has given me. I do have a wonderful wife and two of the most amazing children in the world. I have one sister who is there for me and I for her just as we were always. And, how many men feel the way I do about their in-laws? I am blessed to have married VERY well. Not with regard to riches or fame... But with regard to faithfulness and integrity that are far more valuable. I have riches untold that are worth far more than money and fame.

Many people will think that I am merely espousing platitudes to keep myself sane and relatively happy in these challenging days. Such is not the case. I believe this in ways that are increasingly important to me as time passes. As a minister of the Gospel, I have shared these truths with people for years... I have believed these truths for years... But, now I am slowly moving beyond belief to a place where these truths inhabit the very core of who I am and it is to that hope which I cling to above any other.

Well, that is probably enough rambking for tonight. I just had to get some of this out of my mind before I try attempting sleep tonight...

To my mother, Bonnie J. Lohr: Happy 2nd Birthday Mom! You did it right, and I love and respect you for it and I will see you again! (Tiger)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Long time... no update.

That seems to be the theme of my life lately. Lots going on, but no real news. I suppose that isn't a necessarily bad thing though. We have had several visitors from Stonington over the past few days and that is nice to see old friends. The kids are doing very well too and that is a joy to witness. Just a week or so ago we were sitting at the dinner table and Joey was looking off in space apparently deep in thought. Following my mother's policy from years ago, when she would ask me the question when I was a child I asked Joey what she was thinking about... and she said: "I'm thinking about giraffes" Jenny and I both had a hard time supressing the laughter. We had not been talking about animals at all, much less giraffes. But apparently Joey was thinking about them. It was one of those silly little memorable moments that will stick with me for years. Ian has started mimicking us a bit too and it is fun to see that beginning to happen more regularly. He is still a basically somber kid, but his smile originates in his toes when he does smile and that is actually a fair bit of the time I suppose.

The church continues to do well. We have had some slight fluctuations in attendance, but basically for winter, I think we are doing pretty well. I have been thinking through programming ideas with others in the church and I think we have generated some good ideas. We started an entirely new Sunday school class 5 weeks ago for people who were not attending Sunday School previously and we have already had as many as 17 people in the class. Not too bad for just getting started. I think people are engaging in the class really well and seem to be enjoying it as well as learning. Seems like we just got past Christmas and now we are into Lent starting today. The seasons just seem to roll along with nothing I can do to slow them down. "faster as the years go by"...

Well, just wanted to post an update and get somewhat caught up on things that have been happening. There has most certainly been more than just this going on, but I have been either too busy or too lazy to post. Hopefully, I can be more diligent now! I am feeling the need for another zoo trip on the next warm day we have. Plus, I really want to start my "daddy days" with Joey and with Ian as well as I want that time to bond with the kids. There is a new Veggie Tales movie out and I think that would be a great date for Joey and me to go on. Hopefully we can make that happen soon!

catch ya'll later!