Thinking about mom a fair bit today and I called to check in with my sister only to find that my father and one of my other sisters are still trying to throw up road blocks despite a court order to get them to release property that they have been holding hostage for over two years. Now, I am wondering if we are any closer to settling the estate than we were two years ago. I cannot fathom the greed that these people have been motivated by. I don't even think it is about the property at this point, but is rather about them wanting to cause pain and to have total control over things. I have very little faith in the legal system in this country as a result of this mess that I find it hard to beleive that justice is ever even approximated, let alone carried out fully.
What a mess! We need to go back to court on June 2nd and I doubt that we are any closer then than we have been at any point. Mom would be devastated if she were aware of the mess that this has created. I am only hoping that there is no awareness on her side of eternity of these events as it would only cause her pain. I speculate that this is part of the motivation of my father and my middle sister. They treated mom terribly during her life, so they are still getting digs in now that she is gone as well. Beyond that, the abandonment on the part of my mom's extended family is also frustrating. Many of them seem to be caught up in materialism to the point that they have chosen allegiance with those who are undermining every one of mom's wishes that she had expressed during her life. It just makes me sick to my stomach and apparently some are getting a sense of satisfaction in causing that pain. I was slow to believe anyone that told me that evil was real prior to the past couple of years. So, I guess these things have taught me all too well that evil is VERY real... never again will I doubt that!
I'm rambling, I know, but I can't seem to think straight about it at this point. I just need to focus on all that is right in my life. I do have a wonderful wife and two beautiful children that bring me true joy in greater measure than I deserve. If others choose to focus on other things, there isn't much I can do about that. I need to celebrate what I have and try to ignore the pain that others take pride in inflicting.