Monday, October 1, 2007

Birthday week

I don't know how it happened, but another year has swiftly flown past me. I will turn 41 in less than a week! Hard to believe it... But, my life today is good. Jenny and the kids give my life meaning and my job keeps me fulfilled as well. God has blessed me even though the past year and a half or so has brought plenty of pain as well. We are weathering the storms of life and are keeping each other strong. Jenny is growing as a mother and the kids are doing great as well. Life is just plain good and it is filled to overflowing with joy if I will but take the time to recognize it! That is the struggle for me: to be sure to take the time to look and see how full my life is and how very blessd I am.

More to come I am sure as things continue to move along in life and in ministry!

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