Thursday, December 4, 2008

yes, I know it has been a while

I am well aware that it has been months since I last blogged on here. There simply have been other things taking up my time and energy lately, but I hope to do more blogging in the future. We finally have gotten all of the issues with our house under control. All of the plumbing works now and the flooring is finished in all of the rooms we plan to do at present. As Advent is upon us and we are bearing down on Christmas, we are simply loving the time we have together with the kids. They are both growing and learning so much it is simply amazing. Joey amazes us every single day with the things she says and does and Ian is right there as well, although talking is not his strong point yet. He has a few words that he says, but mostly he runs around the house saying "ball" all day long. The kids have a whole playroom full of toys, but Ian is all about playing with balls of every shape and size. A litle vinyl soccer ball, a whole bucket of little plastic balls and even a couple of my practice golf balls keep him amused for hours. It's cute and his personality is blossoming as he is a really good natured kid and has a great smile just like his sister. The Christmas picture that many of you will be receiving soon will demonstrate that. Well, I appologize for my "blog-deficiency" and will try to do better as time goes on.

Peace and Joy to all,


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