Monday, September 28, 2009

just for fun...

I am constantly laughing at things the kids say and keep telling myself how I should write things down as they say them to document it. Yesterday we had a really nice family day after church. We went to the "Apple Festival" at Eckerts in Grafton and enjoyed the cooler temperatures and the sunshine. On the way home, we didn't want to end the relaxing day, so we stopped past a park in Godfrey to let the kids play for a while. We didn't tell the kids were we were going (in case the park was too crowded or closeed). Anyway, we went past the Godfrey McDonalds and Joey said, "Hey, that McDonalds has a playground, are you guys hungry"... It is sometimes hard to keep the lauighter in when she does that sort of thing (which by the way is several times a day). One of the hardest things I face as a father is disciplining my children. Joey has a GREAT sense of humor and Ian is fast developing one as well. They seem to know pretty well how to manipulate me by employing humor at just the right moment. I think it is something about having me wrapped pretty securely around their little fingers. Yeah, they do get frustrating at times with testing the limits, but for the most part, we realize how very blessed we are with our children.

Another playground episode that made me pretty proud was Joey making friends with another little girl named "Layla". After a few minutes of friendship with Layla, a little boy named David took one of Layla's shoes and took off running. Joey knew this wasn't right and chased David down and got the shoe away from him and took it back to Layla. I watched this from a distance initially thinking that Joey was in on the shoe stealing, but was very proud when she took it back to Layla. She does know injustice when she sees it and seems to choose the right path from time to time. We must be doing something right... YEAH!

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