Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Plan for 2013

I haven’t blogged in ages as I have come to rely mostly on facebook as my place to document reflections and musings.  However, I am going to try to do more blogging during 2013 simply as an exercise in journaling.

I am increasingly excited about the evangelistic efforts we are going to undertake at Bethel during 2013.  The church, in the larger sense, has fallen basically flat in terms of evangelism and it is time to change that.  If we are not at least as excited about sharing our faith in Jesus Christ as we are about telling folks about the latest sales at the store or the last great movie we saw or concert we attended, then we are falling FAR short of the call that Christ has placed on our lives.  While sales and concerts and movies may enrich our lives for a time, Jesus Christ enriches our lives eternally and that is of paramount importance as we seek to carry out our mission as disciples of Jesus who himself came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).

I have been reading the latest material and blog posts from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, especially with regard to the “My Hope with Billy Graham” project.  I am increasingly convinced that this simple yet effective formula is the very answer to the questions I have been asking for my entire ministry relative to doing effective evangelism.  It is so incredibly simple, yet has proven to be extremely effective throughout the world.  As the project comes to the United States during 2013, I am excited to have been trained already to lead this effort in my own church and to share it with other churches as well. 

I am dreaming today about what it might look like if the 100 or so active members of the Bethel Baptist Church truly began to live their lives and make their decisions based upon asking themselves the question: “What can I do to maximize my impact for the kingdom of God in THIS very moment?”  I think the resulting impact on our local community and on the larger area would be noteworthy if we could begin to truly live that way.  In fact, I cannot hold the people of my church to that standard unless I am willing to commit to that standard myself, so beginning TODAY, I make that commitment to Christ, to my family, to my church and to my world! 

Exciting things are on the horizon for our church.  I believe that the addition to our building will take place smoothly beginning in May of 2013 and lives will be impacted as we use that facility to minister to those outside of the church as well as those inside the church.  I believe that more people will commit to reaching out to their unsaved friends, neighbors and family members and the kingdom will expand.  I believe that our corner of the world will be a better place at the end of the next 12 months than it is today as a result of what God will do in our church in the coming days.

Laus Deo! (May God be Praised)!

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