Saturday, April 12, 2008

a full year

Birthday boy 2
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
If Ian was a puppy, we would be able to switch him to regular dog food tomorrow! Actually, it is hard to believe that he will be a year old. Even harder to believe is that Joey is just a couple of weeks away from 3 years old! But, then again, at some levels it seems like we have always had them with us. But, my what a year it has been. I am amazed by the growth that we have seen in both of them. Ian is super close to taking off walking... I am guessing that is the next milestone for him. But, then again, is some ways ther eis a new milestone every single day. We are truly blessed by both of our children. I realize more each day how truly blessed we are.

Life has had more than its share of bumps in the road for me personally in the past couple of years... But the road will smooth out soon and I only pray that Jenny and the kids have not been too terribly hurt by the other issues that have eaten up my time and energy for far too long with regard to my family of origin. Soon, I pray, those issues will be resolved and behind us all forever... and we can get on with the life God has before us!

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