Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Step Closer!

Today we had yet another court appearance on my Mom's estate and it appears that it may actually be drawing to a close finally. I am starting to realize even more powerfully how very much negative energy this thing has injected into our lives for the past two years. As it seemingly draws to conclusion, I am starting to feel the pressure lift and am giving praise to God for that! I am eager to just have it over and to be able to focus on other far more important things in our lives (like our kids and our home and our church). Another court date on June 2nd should get it all wrapped up and closed and then we can put it in the past. Praise the Lord for that and I do ask that my friends be praying for us as we close this chapter in our lives and move on to a brighter future putting the negativity of this messy thing as far behind us as possible!

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