Thursday, June 12, 2008

The day we've been waiting for!

After over 2 years, we finally got Mom's estate closed and can put that ugly chapter of our lives behind us! It certainly didn't go the way mom would have wanted it with my father and one of my sisters hijacking the whole estate and forcing things to get tied up in court. There has been more pain and grief during these past two years than I thought was even possible. It has been like losing mom over and over and over again. And to hear one sister claiming to speak for mom when she didn't even see mom for 10 years before she died, nor could she even come to mom's funeral to say goodbye made me literally sick at times. Mom made her wishes very clear over the years to all of us and we didn't get to carry many of them out ultimately. However, a few of us maintained our sanity while going through this mess and we will make the very best of the legacy that she left to us that cannot be measured with dollar signs. Ultimately that is the only thing that mattered to mom and that is the only thing that matters to God... The rest really doesn't matter to anyone, so it's OK and we move on from here!

I still am not quite sure how all of this makes me feel... but I'll figure that out too!

More later ;-)

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