Monday, September 24, 2007

the sanctuary

the sanctuary
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
just what it says. I had a meeting in my office today with a family about a funeral that I am doing this Thursday and took my camera to take a few pictures of the church while I was waiting for them... It is a beautiful church building and is in pretty good repair for the most part.

Church building

Church building
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
here is a shot that I took quickly of the church building of First Baptist Church Wood River. I was killing a little time around the building waiting for some people to arrive this evening and thought I would take a few pictures while I waited. The office is becoming pretty comfortable to me now... plus I have an extremely efficient secretary doing the frontline work with me. That makes my job so much easier!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Moving On...

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Well, a lot of ground and a lot of activity has been covered since I last blogged. We are now getting settled in our new home and in our new church. We moved on Monday of this past week and I was in the office on Tuesday. We are learning lots about our new community and our new home. Still working the smaller issues out with the house. but two full days have passed without me having to do any repair work. I did put some additional shelving in the pantry yesterday and it is much more functional now. I managed to get the washer and dryer both running without any further breakdowns. turns out the leak that we thought was coming from the washing machine was actually coming from the water supply line... another turn of the wrench and it was working great. I cleaned the contacts on the switch in the dryer and it worked fine as well. Got the phone line run for the DSL and got a water leak stopped in the hall bathroom drain... Also got some more unpacking done as well as doing 4 mornings in the office a sermon completed and some visits as well this week... Yeah, it has been a full week. But a good one none the less! It is good to have some activities to keep my mind occupied and to see some good things in life instead of the bad stuff. God is very good and has lead us well thus far... I only hope we will be found faithful as well!

Friday, September 7, 2007

what a week!

The president of the seminary when I was graduating told me there would be weeks like this at the begining and at the end of pastorates. With less than two weeks left until I conclude my ministry at the Old Stonington Baptist Church, this week has been no small task. Along with the emotional roller coaster of saying farewell to my present church family, there is the stress of working on the new house to get it ready for moving day (this stress is fading as I saw the progress today and am feeling more confident that it will all get finished). And on top of it all, I have had two funerals this week! I am glad that funerals are not stressors for me too much other than the time commitment. I am only hoping now that my sermons for the next two Sundays flow as easily as these fuenrals have. There are some pretty important things I would like to get across in these final two sermons here at Old Stonington. And, I would like to give them some of my best work on thee sermons as they deserve good stuff!

Well, all in all, things are coming together for us rather well and Jenny has been keeping the home fires burning as I ahve been running around doing my job and getting things done at the house. She is also becoming a master-packer in boxing up our lives to move it all to East Alton... I love that woman more than anything else in the world!


Originally uploaded by jwlohr
panelling doesn't look too bad painted... Man the place looks brighter!

entry way

entry way
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
the entrance hall looks much less dungeon-esque now!

ian's room

ian's room
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Ian's room is ready too!

joey's room

joey's room
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Joey's room is done!

laminate flooring 2

laminate flooring 2
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
here's the floor in the kitchen so far

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Originally uploaded by jwlohr
we put up a new mailbox... there had never been one in front of the house before... And here we are adding the house number to the post... we'll do something more attractive and original later. But for now, the 49 cent numbers from Wal-Mart will have to do.


Originally uploaded by jwlohr
We aren't finished yet... but with immense amounts of help from family, we have the painting all donea dn the old nasty carpet removed.... The flooring is all that is left to make this kitchen ovehaul complete. and my Father-In-Law is painting like crazy on the house even as I write this post!

Kitchen before we started

Kitchen before we started
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
this is what it says it is... peeling wallpaper that made you dizzy to look at the striped pattern and outdated cabinets and hardware... And CARPET on the kitchen floor that was well... just nasty!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

updating some news

you know how you just occasionally have to grab some time, while you have the time to do something? Well, such is life for me right now as it will probably be for at least a little while...

We finally closed on the house on Wednesday and a day and a half later... the plumbig was all functional! We actually slept on the floor in our new home the first night that we had the keys and it was pretty cool... Jenny and I stayed up until about 2 am putting new tile on the floor in one of the bathrooms and the improvement was highly noticable. I then tackled the leaking plumbing. We finally got all of the water systems functioning at full capacity now and Jenny's parents have invested more time in the hosue so far than Jenny and I have. After spending copious amounts of time stripping wall paper with them, we left them alone at the house and they managed to get the entire kitchen painted and from the pictures they shared with us, it looks WONDERFUL!!! Once that is done, all we have left is flooring in the kitchen and paint in the rest of the house. Most of the other little bugs have been worked out and we should be good to go for our move on September 17th... That is coming down the pike QUICKLY! Well, all for now, I still have a job to do here in Stonington as well!