Saturday, September 1, 2007

updating some news

you know how you just occasionally have to grab some time, while you have the time to do something? Well, such is life for me right now as it will probably be for at least a little while...

We finally closed on the house on Wednesday and a day and a half later... the plumbig was all functional! We actually slept on the floor in our new home the first night that we had the keys and it was pretty cool... Jenny and I stayed up until about 2 am putting new tile on the floor in one of the bathrooms and the improvement was highly noticable. I then tackled the leaking plumbing. We finally got all of the water systems functioning at full capacity now and Jenny's parents have invested more time in the hosue so far than Jenny and I have. After spending copious amounts of time stripping wall paper with them, we left them alone at the house and they managed to get the entire kitchen painted and from the pictures they shared with us, it looks WONDERFUL!!! Once that is done, all we have left is flooring in the kitchen and paint in the rest of the house. Most of the other little bugs have been worked out and we should be good to go for our move on September 17th... That is coming down the pike QUICKLY! Well, all for now, I still have a job to do here in Stonington as well!

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