Saturday, September 22, 2007

Moving On...

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Well, a lot of ground and a lot of activity has been covered since I last blogged. We are now getting settled in our new home and in our new church. We moved on Monday of this past week and I was in the office on Tuesday. We are learning lots about our new community and our new home. Still working the smaller issues out with the house. but two full days have passed without me having to do any repair work. I did put some additional shelving in the pantry yesterday and it is much more functional now. I managed to get the washer and dryer both running without any further breakdowns. turns out the leak that we thought was coming from the washing machine was actually coming from the water supply line... another turn of the wrench and it was working great. I cleaned the contacts on the switch in the dryer and it worked fine as well. Got the phone line run for the DSL and got a water leak stopped in the hall bathroom drain... Also got some more unpacking done as well as doing 4 mornings in the office a sermon completed and some visits as well this week... Yeah, it has been a full week. But a good one none the less! It is good to have some activities to keep my mind occupied and to see some good things in life instead of the bad stuff. God is very good and has lead us well thus far... I only hope we will be found faithful as well!

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