Monday, November 26, 2007

Estate news (or not)

This morning was another hearing on the status of my Mom's estate. I didn't even bother to go this time. I did have some commitments here in Wood RIver at the church and nothing ever seems to happen at these things anyway. After I got the word regarding the hearing, I was not dissappointed. As I suspected, no progress was made other than approving more bills being paid. Hopefully, we will see some movement in time so this whole thing can be wrapped up... I told my sister again today what I have been saying for a far too long now... All I want for CHristmas is this estate settled so we can get on with our lives. The family of origin has already crumbled and only after we are able to close out this current fiasco can we ever get back to some sort of new normal. Nobody seems to get this, but the best we can hope for is to find a new normal and learn to live with it. So, I cannot understand the reason for the constant delay tactics and pettiness. Enough already... Well, it was enough already a long time ago. Mom has been gone for 19 months now and we are still hung up in court over the most ridiculous little issues. This could have... no SHOULD HAVE been over months ago. And sadly, the vast majority of people don't even seem to realize that mom is even gone, just worrying about what they can glean for themselves out of the mess that is left. Is it just? no... but to have it over would be enough for me!

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