Tuesday, November 20, 2007

more on the farm

Got a phone call on Saturday from the one cousin who still is in touch with me to let me know that the farmhouse in Butler has been torn down. Of course, I knew that it was likely that new owners would probably do that, it is still hard to think that the home that I spent so much time in as a child with my grandparents living there and then as an adult with my mother living there is gone forever now. THe timber that I used to hunt in has also been pretty radically altered as the man who purchased it is buldozing a large number of trees to make room for building sites rather than using it for the purpose of hunting and recreation that we used it for throughout my life. It is just hard to sit back and know that among everthing else that has changed, those things as well will never be the same... Life does bring change. Not all change is good. However, we have no choice but to deal with it as in so much of life!

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