Friday, November 30, 2007

front of the house

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
We got a few more decorations put up on the front of the house this evening. Joey's yard deer from last year got dug out of their box again and the wreaths from our wedding look good on the front door. We bought the little tree at wal-mart for $15 and I already had the flood light to light the door and a timer to hook them all up to. Not too bad for just a few bucks (no pun intended) and the house looks a good deal more festive as a result. I planned to put a few lights around the roofline, but time will tell if I can get that done and if the weather cooperates. They are calling for freezing rain this weekend, so it may or may not actually happen.... But so far, so good! (Thanks for the delivery, Terry and Sharon!)

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