Thursday, August 9, 2007

The part that really matters!

ian outside 2
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
To think there are those who would try to tell me that there is something more important than this in life! There isn't anything in this world that matters more to me than my children and just taking Ian out in the back yard today and seeing his wonder at the world made me realize what really matters! For all of the pain and misery that has been happening in my family of origin lately over possesions and greed I am truly saddened for my father and two of my sisters because they don't seem to realize that God has gifted us with a family and with relationships that shoud matter so much more than power or money or anything else in life... My two children are the world to me and they matter more than anthing else. With them, I can conquer anything... without them, I am nothing! God has blessed me richly and has totally altered my world in just over two short years. By the way, Ian rolled over yesterday for the first time... Another milestone!

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