Thursday, March 27, 2008


Time for another update on the fiasco with my family of origin and the settling (or not) of my mother's estate. My mom has been gone for nearly two years and only now are we beginning to see some movement on the settling of her estate. Greed has run rampant in my family of origin and the fractures are clear and evident and will most assuredly be permanent. That is the most painful part of this whole ordeal, as I have stated on more than one ocassion. I have had my character assaulted, my childhood possessions held hostage, and have been prohibited from being involved in the cathartic process of even looking at anything that belonged to my mom. There are those who are trying to play nice to my face, but then run to others and join them in their character attacks on me. As a result, I am having a hard time trusting anyone. The very people who should have been expected to pull together to support one another have let their desires for control and "ownership" of things get in the way of what a family should do by definition.

The court today made some nominal progress towards getting things moving again, but I am not terribly optimistic that much will be accomplished. There are some deadlines in place on all of us, but I am not terribly hopeful that they will be honored by all concerned. Up until these past two years, I had believed in the judicial system. At this point, my faith in that system has crumbled. If a person is willing to attack others vigorously enough and has no internal barometer of that which is truly right and wrong, then those are the ones who will "win"... at least in the present. (My personal feeling is that given the current situation and the "best case" outcome is that everyone involved in this one will lose.)

The one thing I do still believe in is a God who is loving and ever faithful towards those who serve him and are intent on a faithful interpretation of his word and his call to us. I also believe that God is the only true source of comfort. People change in response to their own desires. God alone remains constant in his unchanging love for his children. How blessed I am to have a heavenly father who will remain faithful and true. I wish that relity for everyone and perhaps someday it will come to pass. Is justice at the hands of a court system run by and participated in by human beings even capable of understanding true justice? Much less administrating it? I am having my doubts. Is God alone always just in his treatment of people? Of that I have no doubt and in that truth I rest my destiny.

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