Sunday, July 22, 2007

Much to report!

Now that we have informed our current church I can finally blog about our "vacation"... Yes, we were camping at Pere Marquette Stte park along the Illinois River in Grafton. But, the reason for our choice of destinations, was connected with our invitation to candidate for the position of Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Wood River, Illinois. Last Sunday, July 15, 2007. The Wood River Church extended a call to me which I accepted. We then spent the bulk of our time over the next few days looking at houses and we finally found the house we were looking for with the assistance of a wonderful realtor. We made an offer on the house and after some negotionation, we signed a contract on the house. We feel really good about it and it seems clear that God has been guiding our steps all along the way. It is bittersweet to be leaving our friends in Stonington... Over 11 years, they are not merely a church, but are indeed family! We will miss them greatly, but Wood River is not so far away that we cannot visit with them occasionally and they can certainly come to see us! I could blog much more than this, but there is still a great deal of sorting out of emotion and thought processes that needs to be done before I can put this all into words... until then, I will post a picture of the church sign in Wood River and a photo of what will be our new home.

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